21 April 2008

Daddy's so happy !!

Mommy's Wrote :

Last night my baby really makes both of us so happy, because she's responding very impressively to her dad voices.

when my hubby put his ears on top of my tummy, he said : " hi there how are you ? this is daddy talking.. are you listen to me ? " and suddenly my baby wiggle strongly so both of us can feels it, and it's like her sign that she's understand what her daddy's said.
And her response also continue until 3 times more questions from her daddy..Wow !! we're so amazed by this moment..coz' this is the first time she's response her daddy conversations with her.. hahaha.. =D

I can see clearly that my hubby so excited and very happy !! i am also feels so happy about that.. =)

What a smart baby girl !!!
We love you so much dear..

18 April 2008

i'm now 21 weeks..

let's see what's baby-gaga.com says about my development :

Fetal development in pregnancy week 21:

"Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week (and weighing up to 16.5 ounces), but that’s just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they’ll really be packin’ it on!"

And how's mom doing?
"We’ve hit trimester two and you're in full-swing pregnancy mode. Most moms are feeling pretty good right about now. Funnily enough, you may already be noticing some mild uterine contractions—don’t panic, this is completely normal. Actually, your uterus contracts throughout your whole life—only now that there’s enough pressure on the uterine muscles you can feel them more distinctly when they contract"

"You're going to love your little one whether they've got a cheeseburger or hot dog"

hahaha.. =D so i am a cheeseburger ya mom? hmm..nyammy... =P

13 April 2008

Mommy got sick... =(

Poor mommy..she's feeling unwell since last friday..
she's got headache n a lil bit flu, and she cannot take any medicine to reduce the unwell feeling bcoz i'm inside her body...even though the doctor said it's ok to take green panadol, but she tried her best not to take it as long as she still can bear it. thank you mommy...u care about me so much...

to make my mommy happier, these days i moved a lot in her tummy..so she can feels me that i'm okay..funny things for daddy..when he touch mommy tummy, i stop moving...hihihihi...and daddy got curious so much with me.. he feels i'm so tricky..
actually..i just love it so much ur warm hand on mommy tummy..that's why i stop moving when u touch it.. i love you so much too daddy... dun worry... =)

11 April 2008

A gift from Aunty D…. =)

Yipiiee..this blogger officially mine !!! thanks to aunty Destri the creater of this blog…I love it so much !!
Anyway from now on, me and my mommy will try to updating it oftenly, so you may know my newest info and development completely in this blog.

And before that, I would like also suggesting you to

see my mommy blog at : http://www.serenadeoflove.blogspot.com/

Coz sometimes mommy put her diary in there too.. =)

Here's some diary that mommy wrote in her blog :

Finally my baby mau juga kasih liat ke mommy and daddy dia cowo atau cewe, and the answer to it’s question is it’s a baby GIRL !!!

It’s so funny during the ultrasound section, it’s so amzing to finding out the sex of my baby.
She’s so adorable bgt…walaupun gue baru ngeliatnya di usg 2D, kemaren dia reaksinya lutchu bgt… waktu lg mau diliat jenis kelaminnya, dokter bilang..wah ini kakinya nekuk satu nih..coba dilurusin biar keliatan jenis kelaminnya..eh suddenly dia lgs saat itu juga ngelurusin kakinya loh !!! terus dokter lgs confirmed kalo dia itu positif cewe, and after that dia nekuk lg kakinya.. lucu bgt !!!

Terus kemaren pas usg, baby ku gerak mulu..ampe dokter bilang nih anaknya aktif bgt yah..sehat semuanya okey. Mungkin bener saran dari salah satu best friends gue (destri), we must fully bladder yg artinya perut musti terisi penuh diisi orange jus or soda, biar anaknya gerak2…and terbukti tuh.. thank you aunty destri… =)

Oya, kemaren panjangnya udah 13,5 cm (from crown to rump only), lingkar kepala uda 4,7 cm, beratnya blm ketauan pasti, diprediksi sih udah lebih dr 350 gram, and baru bisa dpt exact numbernya bln depan kata dokter. Oya ini hasil foto terbarunya dia:

lucu yah..sekarang dah lebih gendut drpd sebelumnya yg masih skinny.. hehehe..

actually we already choose the perfect name for her, but since it is my hubby request not to mention it first and not to tell to anybody, so..let it be a secret first okay? =)

pokoknya yg penting gue berharap dia jadi anak yang takut ama Tuhan, sayang mommy and daddy juga semua orang, supaya jadi cahaya yang bersinar terang dikeluarganya selalu dan diberkati setiap langkah kehidupannya. AMINNNN...

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