24 Februari 2009

Claire 1st creambath ... =P

Claire yesterday starts a creambath treatment at mommy's home made saloon.. haha..
mommy found an aloe vera growth at nanny's room in her windows aisle..then mommy cut it and made it as a creambath treatments for me...
and mommy planning to keep on doing the treatment about 1 week a head.. so lets see how is the result next week..okay? =D

anyway, last sat and sun, my nanny was on leave for college.. (yup, my nanny is a college student for S1 degree.. )..anyway, it was a fun weekend with my mommy n daddy altough the all 2 days juz stay at home....

sorry for there's no update pictures from me till now.. actually mommy always take my pictures almost everyday, but she juz dont have time to uploading the image to my blog.. well, she's been so much busy these days i think...

mommy said she promised will update it SOON... lets see n wait lor.. hehe...

love you all,

16 Februari 2009

Happy Valentine's day my baby Claire...

Hr sabtu tgl 14 Feb, Claire, Dad, n Mom pergi ke acara pemberkatan pernikahan temen daddy (uncle 'Eas n auntie Novi) di gereja katholik Bonaventura, Pulomas. Claire jd pusat perhatian semua uncle n auntie yg pada dateng..hehe... coz Claire bener2 anteng bgt di dalem gereja sepanjang acara dia hepi bgt, ga rewel sama sekali... bener2 manizzz bgt my baby...padahal mommy uda worry aja, Claire bakalan rewel karena gerah, kan catholik church a bit hot... hehehe...selesai acara gereja, kita ke MKG 3, mommy belanja buah2an buat Claire, and after that kita lgs pulang deh..
malemnya Claire stay at home with nanny, meanwhile mommy n daddy having a sweet escape go for dinner at Mario's Place cafe & restaurant..from 8 PM till 12 AM. Wow...bener2 enjoy bgttt dehhh...dah lamaaa bgt rasanya mommy n daddy ga ngerasain enjoy begini hehehehe....ampe lupa waktu buat pulang...abis ingetnya masih pacaran lagi sih..hihihi...

Hr minggu tgl 15 Feb, Popo, Kung2, QQ,Qme, Cc Chika, Cc Niki semua pada dateng maen kerumah Claire =), Claire pertama2 nangis, mungkin kaget kali yah, tiba2 rumahnya jd rame bgt... hehehe... tp sebentar kok nangisnya, ga lama Claire hepii lagi..
Claire show off ke semua org gaya merangkaknya loh... wah semangat bgt dia !! haha...
after lunch, kita semua pergi ke Grand Indonesia, like ussual.. Claire got a lot of shopping bags, full of new clothes and toys from Daddy! yeap.. her daddy loves her so much and addicted shopping for her baby girl a lot...mommy kalah deh pokoknya..hehehehe...
dari Grand Indnesia popo lgs split home from us, meanwhile we are still searching around the mall looking for smthing cute n nice things again for Claire... =P
Since ada Claire, minat shopping mom n dad pokoknya jd cuma ke Claire dech... hehehe... luckily for Claire, Mothercare shop, Seibu, and baby GAP n Zara is on sale up to 70%, ...yes, she got a lot things in there.. =)
Pulang2 sampe rumah jam 7-an, Claire uda hen leiii...lgs mimi n bobo deh sampe bgn2 td pagi jam 5 AM.

well.. it was an excited weekend anyway.. happy val's day Claire...mommy n daddy loves u so much...

11 Februari 2009

Claire is 5 months old

Claire sejak pertama kali gue kasih makan buah, 3 hr berturut-turut pisang dikerok campur air, air jeruk baby, and sari pepaya, hari ke enam dia gk pup juga,,gue lgs panik and bawa dia cek ke dokter, trus smp di dokter, dia dikasih obat dr anus biar bisa pup, eh trnyata efek bgt..ga smp 1 menit lgs pup nya keluar bnykkkkk bt.. piuh...leganya...
after that gue ga kasi pisang dulu deh, lgs bikin jadwal makan baru skrg :
pagi jam 9 atao jam 10 sarapan biskuit baby milna dimix ama air.
siang jam 1 atao jam 2 lunch sari buah-buahan..(so far sih masi pepaya and jeruk)

tp aneh juga, pupnya smp 4hr baru keluar...ampir gue uda mau panik lg...untung akhirnya tadi pup juga..

oya, update info..
skrg claire uda belajar duduk, merangkak maju, and berguling..
last time check ke dokter beratnya uda 7,5 kg.. well..not bad lah...
padahal miminya skrg uda berkurang bnyk..mimi sehari jd cuma 600-800 ml paling bnyk, padahal dulu sempet sampe 1300 ml loh per hari.. tau deh tuh kenapa...

03 Februari 2009

Claire 1st time eat fruit

Yesterday,at 1.30-ish PM Claire for the first time try to eat banana.. =)
and her reactions was so funny !! she shows wierd face, maybe a lil bit sour taste for her, as you know banana taste rite? hehe... till she shacking all the body bcoz of the sourness.. hahaha...
and today, i still give her the banana, n surprise thing !! she can finished 1 whole big banana mix with water.. wow... =O i think she start to like it.. =P

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