24 Februari 2009

Claire 1st creambath ... =P

Claire yesterday starts a creambath treatment at mommy's home made saloon.. haha..
mommy found an aloe vera growth at nanny's room in her windows aisle..then mommy cut it and made it as a creambath treatments for me...
and mommy planning to keep on doing the treatment about 1 week a head.. so lets see how is the result next week..okay? =D

anyway, last sat and sun, my nanny was on leave for college.. (yup, my nanny is a college student for S1 degree.. )..anyway, it was a fun weekend with my mommy n daddy altough the all 2 days juz stay at home....

sorry for there's no update pictures from me till now.. actually mommy always take my pictures almost everyday, but she juz dont have time to uploading the image to my blog.. well, she's been so much busy these days i think...

mommy said she promised will update it SOON... lets see n wait lor.. hehe...

love you all,

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